Steam Name: Red_Dawn Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:187550580 In-Game Name: Red Dawn Rate your current performance as moderator/Why you think you should be administrator: (I decided to put these two together because I write too much. If you want a specific piece-by-piece interview, I'm down for that) Well...I've moderated the Michigan server before...but that doesn't really count. Anyways, that's not important. I've staffed on two other servers before, one as a cyan, but, you was an RP server. You know how those servers are. The other server was kinda dead. All the staff just wasn't doing anything, and basically I was the only staff member online on a regular basis. Eventually, the server owner said I was meddling too much and I told him "It's your goddamn server! Pay some more attention!" In any case, I hate admin abuse (if you want the full story, you can ask Chicken or Marine, I do NOT feel like talking about it again), and I strive to avoid being an abuser as much as possible. If the rules are clearly set and no loopholes are available, I will follow them to the word. Hours Contributed: Hmmmm...I have 632 Unturned hours, at least 200 of them were on other servers...I'll say about 430 hours or so. As an admin, are you willing to take on more responsibility: Of course! But I can't do it alone... Extra Info: My sense of right and wrong is pretty straightforward. If it's heavy on my conscience, it's wrong (yes, surprisingly I do have a conscience). When breaking up arguments, I tend to go with a middle ground, a compromise in which both sides are content with. I can be rather hesitant to ban people, as I've never actually banned anyone in my experience as admin, but I will easily do what is needed. Personally, I'd like to build a punishment center on the farthest right of the map and maybe force some scumbags to grow potatoes for maybe half an hour or so.
+ Active. + Veteran player. + Doesn't explicitly go out to try to start conflicts o Hasn't done very much to prove helpfullness around the server. - Spammed the application section on the last server. Advertised himself on other people's applications. - Can be obnoxious and overbearing at times. - Easily agitated, becomes aggressive easily. - Through observations, doesn't seem to be especially tactful at solving issues. Usually ends up in an argument. - Conflicts with staff in the past. Not very cooperative. If you want to be staff in the future, I suggest you work on controlling you actions and reactions when confronted. I'd be afraid of what you might do when put into a tough situation. 3/10