Red's Moderator Application (DENIED)

Discussion in '[Declined]' started by Red Dawn, Dec 22, 2017.

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  1. Red Dawn

    Red Dawn Member

    Apr 2, 2017
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    Steam Name: Red_Dawn
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:187550580
    In-Game Name: Red Dawn
    Timezone: Eastern Standard
    Have you read and understand all the rules for the server/community?
    Yes, I have.
    How active are you on the server/community?
    Very active, at minimum 20 hours a week.
    What is your favorite part of the server/community?
    The quality memes, mods, and non-toxic enviroment.
    Do you have a mic?
    Yes, I do, though some may complain mine is too loud.
    Do you have Discord?
    Yes, I do, and I'm on the Discord already.
    Why do you think you should be a moderator (20 words or more)?
    I have always wanted to staff on TacNet PvE, and there happens to be a lack of moderators. I feel that I am a good choice because of my experience on the server and my ability to generate quality memes.
    Rate your maturity on a scale from 1 to 10 (explain why you gave yourself that number)
    A solid 8, based on the facts that I have a way with words, and I make good compromises. However, others find that I can sometimes be "Obnoxious and overbearing at times", as well as being "Easily agitated and aggressive easily."
    Extra Information
    If I were to be a moderator, I'd like to build a gulag for the memes. And I can make lots of both quality and stale memes. I also have a righteous sense of justice. And I'm a decent decorator.
  2. Pineapple

    Pineapple Super-Duper Member Staff Member Server Manager

    Feb 4, 2017
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